Quality Brookhaven Dental Crowns & Veneers

Although your teeth are durable and can withstand decades of chewing and biting, it can be easy to forget that they're susceptible to damage and wear. Whether you have a single tooth damaged by decay or multiple teeth aesthetically affected by staining, you may question what dental options are available to you. At Brookhaven Village Dentistry, we're proud to provide high-quality dental crowns and veneers to cater to your unique restorative needs.

No matter what option you settle on, you can rest assured that our dental team will work hard to ensure your experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Call or visit our practice today to schedule your next appointment and find out how our Brookhaven dental veneers and crowns can benefit your smile!


Are Veneers or Crowns Right for Me?

When you visit our dental practice for the first time, our dentist will begin by asking you questions about your smile. Have you been dealing with tooth pain? Have you noticed that some of your teeth have been permanently stained or discolored? Our dentist will then conduct an extensive oral exam where we'll use X-ray technology to get a better look at your teeth, gums, and jawbones. If our dentist determines that you're a good candidate for either restorative option, we'll take the time to explain what it entails and answer any questions you may have.

If you're unsure whether our restorations are right for you, some of the reasons our previous patients have turned to them include:

  • Improving deeply discolored teeth
  • Securing a dental bridge in place
  • Restoring a severely damaged or decayed tooth

Creating Aesthetic Changes With Veneers

Our team is proud to provide high-quality dental crowns and veneers to cater to your unique restorative needs. No matter what type of veneer you select, you can rest assured that our dental team will work hard to ensure your experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Call or visit our practice today to schedule your next appointment and find out how our Brookhaven dental veneers and crowns can benefit your smile!

  • Porcelain: Porcelain is a popular type of veneer for its natural appearance and ability to hold up to years of repeated biting and chewing. Porcelain veneers are typically more expensive than chairside composite veneers and take longer to place but are more durable and natural-looking. Whether you need a single tooth or an entire arch of teeth restored, porcelain veneers can be an excellent option for your smile.
  • Chairside Composite: Chairside composite veneers are ideal if you have a budget that you need to stay within and if you're short on time. Composite veneers provide the same restorative benefits as porcelain, except that they can be completed in as little as a single dental appointment and generally cost less. Our dentist will work with you to determine whether chairside composite veneers suit your unique situation.

Restoring Your Smile's Functionality With Crowns

At its core, a dental crown is a restoration that fits over the surface of your natural tooth. It's designed to prevent your tooth from experiencing further damage and restore its biting and chewing functionality. Depending on your needs, we offer two types of crowns: traditional and same-day. Traditional dental crowns take time to craft, which is why we'll provide you with a temporary crown while your restoration is being crafted. Same-day crowns, however, can be prepared and placed in a single appointment. Whichever option you choose, you can rest assured that we'll work to ensure a comfortable and secure fit.

Dental Veneers and Crowns FAQs

It's normal to have questions about our dental veneer and crown offerings. That's why our friendly and supportive dental team is here to answer any questions you may have. Some frequently asked questions about dental veneers and crowns include:

Do same-day crowns last as long as traditional crowns?

Yes. A same-day crown can last up to 15 years with proper care.

Although it's necessary to slightly reshape your tooth's enamel to place porcelain veneers, it won't significantly impact their overall strength and functionality.

Our practice uses anesthetic to help make your appointment as stress-free and comfortable as possible.

Your Office for Dental Veneers & Crowns in Brookhaven

At Brookhaven Village Dentistry, we genuinely care about improving your smile's appearance and functionality. That's why we're proud to offer quality dental veneers and dental crowns to Brookhaven residents and those in its nearby areas. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment and find out how veneers and crowns can create the functional and aesthetic changes you need!



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